Wednesday, October 22, 2014

How Technology Ruins Relationships.... This article is all about the idea of how we are losing a personal aspect in our daily lives. We are no longer wanting to sit and talk to people face to face. We find it easier to talk to them over the phone. 1. Texting too much- the article talks about the idea how technology has made it to easy to constantly contact a person that you should not always contact. It makes it easier for you to make bad life choices. 2. Drunk texting- This is a problem because it is to easy. When you are drunk you are more likely to want to make bad choices, and having a cell phone in your hand makes it all that much easier. 3. Flirty Pic on Facebook- You feel the need to want to impress people on social media, and you may post a picture that does not really fit you as a person because you want people to like you. 4. Liking the Wrong Page- We have all done this mistake. It does not have to be a page but we all feel the need to creep on someone and accidentally end up liking something on their page. Social media makes it easy to creep on someone, and if we did not have technology we would not have these urges. 5. Password Protector- we all feel the need to be secretive with our phones and social media. This is bad for people in relationships because they will not want to trust the other person because they are being private. Technology can ruin relationships or cause trust issues. 6. Send-Read Receipts- I believe that this a big down fall of technology. I know that it drives me crazy when someone will read my text and not respond to it. That should not really be that big of a deal anyways. It just makes people over think the issues. 7. Clinging to your phone- Now a ways everyone is so dependent on their cell phones. The younger generation would not last a day without their phones. Cell phones are ruining personal interactions. People will sit at dinner tables and not even acknowledge the person next to them because they are to busy on the phone. 8. Posting emotional feelings- Since we have social media we feel that we can express our feelings on it. People can get so annoyed by what others are saying and not want to listen to them anymore. Then you have people who reveal too much on social media which is terribly annoying. 9. Your relationship isn't listed- I do not understand why people feel the need to post on their social media about how they are in a relationship. Technology has made it become an idea that someone has to always post pictures of their significant other, or how amazing their relationship is. I found this article to be rather hilarious. I thought it was so true with what it had to say. I believe that we let social media run our lives and we always try to be the person we think social media wants us to be. Technology has changed the world to be a less personal place. There are no longer face to face interactions like there used to be, which is really missing in this world.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Reeds Law

Reed's Law is based around the workings of social media, and the groups that can be involved in it. The idea is that social media can be broken up into either large groups, or even small groups. There is a process that organizes these groups. This law really sets the ground work for social media, and other networks to communicate with one another in groups. It has simplified the internet. The reason I choose this Law is because I found it to be rather interesting. I believe that this law is used all the time now a days. Social Media is taking over the world pretty much and this is needed. Social Media is something that I use every single day. Even though I hate to admit that it is true. I am consumed by social media. I will find myself on twitter, instagram, and even facebook all throughout the day. Social Media blows my mind when you think about it. It is such a simple idea that has consumed the brains of so many. I can honestly say I am not too sure how people will get their information in 5 years. I want to believe that the internet will still be in use but I am not sure. I do however believe that there will no longer be any written press. I believe with the growth of online networks, newspaper companies will be ran out of business. I believe that everything will become digital. Even our books will no longer be on paper, they will all be on kindles or any other handheld device. It is insane to think that in five years the world could completely change because of technology. There are so many new devices being made that literally almost anything is possible. For all we know we could be flying in hoover crafts in five years!!